Have you ever wondered
why customer service is the exception rather than the norm? Why is it that some
companies like Disney, Four Seasons and Virgin get it right, when so many
others fail? A new book about customer service in the tourism and hospitality sector
by Simon Hudson answers these questions and more. Given the critical importance
of customer service for this sector, it is remarkable that this is the first
comprehensive text that deals with this important topic. The book will be
useful for both students and practitioners as it explains not only the theory
behind the importance of customer service but also acts as a guidebook for those wishing to
put this theory into practice. In essence it is the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of
customer service. The book is easy to read,
very current, and full of references to all the latest research from both
academic and practitioner literature. The book called “Customer Service for Hospitality and
Tourism” is co-authored by Dr. Hudson's travel-writer wife Louise, and will be
available to purchase through Goodfellow Publishers in the U.K.