Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Young minds fueling growth potential of Columbia

Under the guidance of Dr. Hudson, five graduate students from the college of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management just completed a feasibility study for the Columbia Convention Center looking at the pros and cons of a convention center expansion. The feasibility study was part of their Field Project – HRSM 795. The team spent three and a half months researching the viability of expanding the convention center beyond its present size, concluding that indeed, an expansion is feasible and economically viable, and will address the shortage of convention space in the region. The student team presented their findings to executives at Experience Columbia on 4 December. Dr. Hudson uses this tourism consultancy class as a vehicle to assist tourism and hospitality businesses in the state. Consultancy is based on the needs of the company, but can range from the development of business plans or feasibility studies, to the design of marketing materials or social media campaigns for start-ups.

Students from left to right and top to bottom:

Mandy Lin, Andrew Lucas, Anna Westbury, VeShannah Lovelace, Tunazzena M. Alam

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